Missions Endowment fund
The greatest thing anyone could do on this earth is share Christ’s love with another person. In fact, it is the only gift you and I could give of any significant value. Sadly, many good and Godly people do not have a plan for their earthly possessions upon their death. Ask yourself or members in your church, especially older saints, the following questions:
1. What of monetary value will I possess when I die?
Let’s say: a house ($75,000), maybe a pension ($10,000), a Certificate of Deposit ($1200), a car ($3,000)
2. Who will get these possessions when I pass away?
The Government, unsaved relatives, local charity, church, Christian relatives, State Government, etc…
3. How will they spend this money?
Who knows?
4. Can I gift some or all of it to make a Spiritual difference in others’ lives forever?
YES! This is a way great way for you and your resources to work on the mission field forever.
Once a gift is made to the Global Missions Endowment Fund, it will never be spent. It will always work to make a difference in the hearts of missionaries, adults, teens and children around the world.
How does this Missions Endowment Fund work?
For example, Jane Doe through her estate planning gifted $80,000 to Global Missions.
That $80,000 will always be in the Fund, it cannot be touched. In 2010, 2020,2090 or 2175, if Jesus tarries, that $80,000 will always earn interest.
It is the interest that is spent yearly to support missionaries, Bible colleges and people.