Other Resources

Other Resources




      Call the Conference Center Bookstore at 740-852-0448 for special music, book, video, gift or curriculum orders.

Sermon Preparation/Illustrations













Church & Law Issues

      www.telladf.org     Alliance Defense Fund

      www.aclj.org     American Center for Law & Justice

      www.becketfund.org     The Becket Fund

      www.christianlaw.org     Christian Law Association

      www.clsnet.com     Christian Legal Society

      www.rutherford.org     The Rutherford Institute

Family Values Organizations

      www.focusonthefamily.com     Focus on the Family

      www.Afa.net     American Family Association

      www.cwfa.org     Concerned Women for America

      www.frc.org      Family Research Council

      www.Breakpoint.org     Breakpoint

      www.nrlc.org     National Right-to-Life

      www.eagleforum.org     Eagle Forum

      www.wallbuilders.com     Wallbuilders

      www.traditionalvalues.org     Traditional Values Coalition

      www.nationalcoalition.org     National Coalition for the Protection of Women and Children

      http://erlc.com     Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission

      www.iast.net     Initiative Against Sexual Trafficking



      IPCC Global Missions




Computers & Software





Sound Equipment
